What are your qualifications?
I am a KPA-CTP, which stands for Karen Pryor Academy Certified Training Partner. That means I have graduated from the Karen Pryor Academy‘s Professional Dog Trainer program. I am also committed to ongoing education, and am constantly building on my knowledge. I keep a complete list of my education in my “About Me” section.
Why is that important?
In North America, unfortunately dog training is not a regulated industry. That means that anyone can say that they’re a dog trainer, and so they are! By putting time and energy into my education, it means that I have an understanding of the science behind animal behaviour and dog training, so I can help you do right by your dogs.
What methods do you use?
I train using primarily positive reinforcement and force free training. That means that I try as best as possible to set the animals I train up for success to prevent problem behaviours, and I reinforce behaviours I want to see.

What tools do you use?
I tend to use a lot of marker based training (primarily clicker training), though not exclusively. I train using reinforcement, which means something the dog likes – this is most often food, but can be anything that is reinforcing to the dog; play, praise, touch, etc.
What tools do you not use?
I do not train using correction/punishment based tools, the most common of these being choke chains, prong collars, and shock collars. I also do not training using fear or intimidation.
Can you recommend some good educational resources?
Absolutely! Here are some good jumping off points:
My question wasn’t covered here!
For service inquiries in Lincoln, ON and surrounding areas, please email info@pawsitivelygenius.com.